ough its TrainForTrade programme launched the TrainForTrade Project in West Africa in early 2013, to strengthen capacities in the area of e-Commerce. As part of this project, and in cooperation with...

Secretary General of UNCTAD signs new cooperation agreement with Irish ports. Palais des Nations, Geneva (18 September 2014)...

On Thursday 18 September 2014, two Irish ports will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)...

From 25 to 30 August 2014, the 27 middle managers from the port communities of Tema and Takoradi (Ghana) who are enrolled in the TrainForTrade Port Training Programme successfully completed...

From 1 to 5 September 2014, the 24 middle managers from public and private port operators in the Philippines who are enrolled in...

From 4 to 8 August 2014, the 24 middle managers from the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Cebu Port Authority and private sector...

From 11 to 27 August 2014, the 25 middle managers from public and private port operators in Indonesia who are enrolled in the TRAINFORTRADE Port Management Programme (PTP) completed...

Mark Assaf, Chief of the Human Resources Development Section/TrainForTrade led an implementation mission which includes port experts from the Dublin Port Company and...

From 26 to 31 May 2014, the 27 middle managers from the port communities of Tema and Takoradi (Ghana) who are enrolled in the UNCTAD TRAINFORTRADE Port Training Programme will participate...

A total of 30 senior port managers from Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria and the Philippines were certified as trainers for the English-speaking network of the...