Delivery of modules 7 and 8 of the Modern Port Management Course in Indonesia


Manado City (12 – 23 January 2015)


Twenty-three middle managers from port communities in Indonesia will complete modules 7 and 8 of the TrainForTrade Port Training programme. The training will be held in Manado City, Indonesia and is hosted by Indonesia Port Corporation IV (Pelindo IV). The trainers are senior managers who have been trained by as instructors by TrainForTrade, as well as a shipping law expert from the law firm Campbell Johnston Clark and a senior manager from Philippine Ports Authority who is an instructor for the programme in the Philippines. Module 8 is the final module of the Modern Port Management course. The participants who successfully complete the eight modules of the course will have the opportunity later this Spring to present their final dissertation in the attempt to earn UNCTAD’s Modern Port Management Certificate.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Contacts:

Mark Assaf       Debbie Jill Francisco[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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