Accelerating progress in West-African countries

The TRAINFORTRADE Project in West Africa was launched in 2012 and will run until 2015. The overall goal of the project is to Accelerate progress in West-African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Senegal and Togo) towards the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, particularly MDG 8, through trade-related training and capacity building.
Training & Technical Assistance Activities
- Needs Assessment missions in each country to meet with national counterparts and agree on a proposed plan of action.
- Course Development on e-Commerce for practitioners
- Training of Technical Tutors
- Training workshops (E-learning and Face-to-Face)
- Studies/ publications
- In Niger, personal data protection law and e-commerce law will be presented to the Assembly during October 2014 session.
- In Togo, the Association PayCamp has been created to promote e-Commerce in Togo.
In Cote d’Ivoire, a national Fair will be setup in Abidjan to Promote e-Commerce in Cote d’Ivoire and in the UEMOA member States.
The project is developed around 2 components within the area of e-Commerce:
Legal Aspects of e-Commerce
The objective of this component is to raise awareness particularly to lawmakers and government officials on key aspects to be considered for the drafting of Electronic Commerce Laws.
e-Commerce for Practitioners
The objective of this component is to promote e-Commerce in order to improve the environment for investment and setup of business in this area.
Summary of results
During the 3-year period, 2013 – 2015, that Development Account project 1213J run in West Africa, TRAINFORTRADE managed to provide training, with the aim of enhancing the capacity of beneficiary states, to 894 participants (21% female) of which 684 were directly funded by the project. Based on results and proportional representation, 200 qualifying participants (25% female) attended Face-to-face workshops where they further explored topics that were covered in the distance learning components of the programme. The project was deemed timely by many of the beneficiaries including the ECOWAS secretariat which further requested that the project be expanded to cover the remaining member states to help it with its own drive to achieve the harmonization of e-Commerce laws within the entire region.
In using the blended learning approach, the project successfully reached a higher number of beneficiaries within a restricted budget albeit in a timely manner. Likewise, through the employment of e-Learning, the project successfully targeted and delivered training through a coup d’Etat in Burkina Faso and the Ebola outbreak that disrupted travel in the region. The project also laid the foundations for sustainability through the training and use of local technical tutors that were provided with the skills and technologies to manage the local deliveries and the abilities to independently replicate the project in the future.
The independent evaluation of the project concluded that the project was highly efficiency and relevant, effective in line with the means, scope and duration, and that while it is too early to assess the long term impact and sustainability, the immediate outcomes are very promising.
Time Frame for 2013-2015
Dev Account
The Project is financed by the United Nations Development Account and implemented by UNCTAD/TRAINFORTRADE

Information data
Action | Place | Number of participants |
Total: 34 tutors have trained 894 participants (191 women) | ECOWAS | 894 Participants (191 women) |
Training of technical tutors (FR) 2013 | Dakar | 14 Participants (4 women) |
Training of technical tutors (EN) 2013 | Accra | 20 Participants (3 women) |
Online Course on legal Aspect of e-Commerce (EN, FR) 2013 | ECOWAS | 165 Participants (42 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on legal aspect of e-Commerce (EN) 2014 | Accra | 22 Participants (8 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on legal aspect of e-Commerce (FR) 2014 | Dakar | 23 Participants (7 women) |
Online Course on e-Commerce for practitioners (EN, FR) 2014 | ECOWAS | 168 Participants (29 women) |
Online Course on legal Aspect of e-Commerce (EN, FR) 2014 | ECOWAS | 159 Participants (27 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on e-Commerce for practitioners (FR) 2014 | Dakar | 25 Participants (6 women) |
Online Course on e-Commerce for practitioners (EN, FR) 2015 | ECOWAS | 125 Participants (26 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on legal aspect of e-Commerce (EN, FR) 2015 | Geneva | 33 Participants (7 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on e-Commerce for practitioners (EN) 2015 | Banjul | 13 Participants (3 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on e-Commerce for practitioners (FR) April 2015 | Abidjan | 29 Participants (6 women) |
Online Course on e-Commerce for practitioners (EN only) May 2015 | ECOWAS | 77 Participants (17 women) |
Face-to-face workshop on e-Commerce for practitioners (EN only) September 2015 | Accra | 21 Participants (6 women) |
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