Port managers in Ghana complete the first half of TRAINFORTRADE’s Modern Port Management course


Takoradi, Ghana (25-30 August 2014)

From 25 to 30 August 2014, the 27 middle managers from the port communities of Tema and Takoradi (Ghana) who are enrolled in the TrainForTrade Port Training Programme successfully completed the fourth of the eight modules that compose TrainForTrade’s Modern Port Management course.



Module four examines the main challenges ports face for the future, e.g. creating competitive advantages, facilitating social balance with port personnel, ensuring health and safety in the port, protecting the environment and guaranteeing quality management.


The training was led by Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority and the different sessions were delivered by senior level Ghanaian port managers and maritime experts who had been trained as instructors by TRAINFORTRADE. This demonstrates the local ownership and sustainability of the programme in Ghana.

All 27 participants successfully completed the end of module test. The highest score obtained was 90 out of 100.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Contacts:

Mark Assaf           Debbie Francisco[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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