Needs Assesment Report of the project TRAINFORTRADE blended learning strategy to boost the digital economy in small island developing States of Africa, the Caribbean and Asia and the Pacific

TRAINFORTRADE has assessed the needs on the development of e-trade and digital services in the beneficiary countries of its new project TRAINFORTRADE Blended learning strategy to boost the digital economy in Small Island Developing States.
We have collaborated with the 38 beneficiary countries, cooperated with international and regional organizations (Association of Caribbean States, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Indian Ocean Commission, Commonwealth, Caribbean Community…) and exchanged with more than 350 diplomats and government officials to complete the needs assessment.
Despite their differences, most Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face similar challenges when it comes to the development of e-trade and digital services. They will have to improve their connectivity and strengthen their infrastructure. Their e-commerce legislation is below world average, in terms of e-transactions, consumer protection, privacy and cybercrime.
The Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS) region brings together countries with very different development levels, from Singapore to Guinea-Bissau. The Caribbean appears quite advanced and connected. Facing high infrastructure costs due to its remoteness and scattering, the Pacific region is a bit behind in the digitalization process…

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