UNCTAD Port Management Series – Volume 11

UNCTAD Serie Gestión Portuaria – Volumen 11 – Indicadores de Desempeño Portuario (UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2023/2 Spanish)
UNCTAD Serie Port Management 2023 – Volume 11 – Port Performance Indicator (UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2023/2 English)
Série sur la gestion maritime, volume 11 – les indicateurs de performance portuaire (UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2023/2 Français)
UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Port Management Series (PMS) Vol. 11 is out in English, French, and Spanish. This special edition of the Port Management Series combines the need for benchmarking port performance with ports contributions towards achieving SDGs.
Some highlights:
Data on the port performance indicators which cover governance, human resources, financial, vessel operations, resilience, cargo operations and sustainability – with the indicators being further broken down into specific categories.
The issue of climate emergency, the commitment to decarbonisation, and the fight against climate change in the maritime sector.
How ports may work towards helping achieve the SDGs – with a list of actions a port can take.
A special thanks to Fundación Valenciaport who has been a big partner and supporter in developing the Port Management Series Vol. 11.