Port managers in Indonesia complete Modules 5 & 6 of the Modern Port Management course


Denpasar, Indonesia (11-27 August 2014)


From 11 to 27 August 2014, the 25 middle managers from public and private port operators in Indonesia who are enrolled in the TRAINFORTRADE Port Management Programme (PMP) completed Modules 5 & 6 of TRAINFORTRADE’s Modern Port Management course.

Module 5 focused on strategic planning, statistics and performance indicators, and also looked at technical solutions for port management. Module 6 explored the topics of commercial management and marketing, strategic port pricing and financial managment . The training was hosted by Pelindo III and was organized in cooperation with Pelindo II and TRAINFORTRADE. The primary instructors were senior managers from Pelindo III who had been trained as instructors by TRAINFORTRADE. They were assisted by Dr. Joseph Hiney, Director, Drogheda Port Company, and John Moore, Director, Dublin Port Company, within the framework of the partnership that these two Irish ports have with the PTP.

In addition to the training sessions, meetings were held with senior managers, including Mr. R. J. Lino, President Director of Pelindo II, to discuss data collection for the study on port performance indicators that Dr. Hiney is conducting within the framework of the PTP. The study will include an international workshop on Strategic Planning and Port Performance Measurement, which will be held later this year in Manila.

In addition to training port managers, the PTP was set up to facilitate the exchange of best practice and expertise amongst ports that are part of its networks. Within this framework, four senior port managers from the Philippines (three from the Philippine Ports Authority and from Prudential Customs Brokerage Services, Inc.) who are instructors for the programme in their country joined the sessions in Denpasar in order to exchange experiences with their counterparts in Indonesia.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Contacts:

Mark Assaf          Debbie Francisco[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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