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Uruguay: Módulo 5 del curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos

La Red de Habla Hispana del Programa de Gestión Portuaria/TrainForTrade de la UNCTAD está organizando la difusión del Módulo 5 del curso de Gestión Portuaria Moderna sobre "Métodos y planificación estratégica de la gestión portuaria" en colaboración con el Instituto Nacional de Logística (INALOG) y Centro de Navegación (CENAVE) y las Autoridad Portuarias de Gijón […]

Tanzania: Modern Port Management Course – Module 2 in Dar es Salaam

In the framework of the UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Port Management Programme in Tanzania, international port expert from Ireland together with local experts from Tanzania will deliver Module 2 of the Modern Port Management course on "The Functioning of a Port System" to the 3rd cohort composed of 25 middle port managers in Dar es Salaam.

Argentina: Disertaciones finales del curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos

La Red de Habla Hispana del Programa de Gestión Portuaria/TrainForTrade de la UNCTAD organiza junto a la Administración General de Puertos y las Autoridades Portuarias de Valencia y Gijón, las mesas evaluadoras para las disertaciones finales del curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos.

Bolivia: Difusión del módulo 2 del curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos

La Red de Habla Hispana del Programa de Gestión Portuaria/TrainForTrade de la UNCTAD organiza la difusión del  Módulo 2 sobre “Organización de un sistema portuario” del Curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos en colaboración con la Dirección General de Intereses Marítimos, Fluviales, Lacustres y Marina Mercante del Ministerio de Defensa y Puerto Jennefer.

Nigeria: Modern Port Management Course – Module 7

In the framework of the UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Port Management Programme in Nigeria, international port experts from Ghana together with certified national experts will deliver Module 7 of the Modern Port Management course on "Administrative and Legal Management" to the 3rd cohort composed of 19 middle port managers (3 women) in Calabar.

Philippines: Modern Port Management Course – Module 4

In the framework of the TrainForTrade Port Management Programme in the Philippines, international port expert from Ireland together with national experts from the Philippines will deliver Module 4 of the Modern Port Management course on "Challenges of Sustainable Ports" to the 3rd cohort composed of 20 middle port managers (9 women) in Batangas.

Indonesia: Modern Port Management Course – Final dissertations

The English-speaking network of the Port Management Program/TrainForTrade of UNCTAD organizes, in cooperation with Pelindo Indonesia and with the support of the Irish Aid, the final dissertations of the Modern Port Management course. The 5th promotion of 25 port managers (including 8 women) from the port communities of Indonesia, will present the case studies to […]

Djibouti: Programme de Gestion Portuaire – Module 3

Cette session du dimanche 21 au dimanche 28 janvier 2024 à Djibouti porte sur la diffusion du Module 3 sur Le fonctionnement d’un système portuaire du Cours sur la Gestion moderne des ports TrainForTrade. 16 cadres dont une femme du Terminal de Doraleh constituent la troisième promotion du PGP TrainForTrade de la CNUCED à Djibouti. […]

Ivory Coast: Port Management Programme – end of Cycle 5 and launch of Cycle 6

22 trainees (7 women 31%) from the 5th promotion of the modern Port Management Programme will defend their theses in front of a jury made up of international experts who are also members of the TrainForTrade network. On the 1st of March, a new cycle will be launched with 25 participants of the port community […]

Tanzania: Port Management Programme – Module 3

Dar es Salaam: 25 trainees (7 women 28%) will partake in the seminars of module 3 of the Course on Modern Port Management entitled “The Functioning of a Port System” focusing on port services on ships and within ports. Sessions are delivered by national instructors previously trained as trainers at TrainForTrade coaching and training-of-trainers seminars.

Nigeria: Port Management Programme – Module 8

Warri: the seminars of module 8 of the Course on Modern Port Management will take place where 21 trainees (3 women 14%) from the 3rd promotion will be trained. Module 8, the final module of the course, is entitled “Technical Management and HR Development.” This module focuses on managing staff and the long-term planning of […]