About Human Resources Development Section / TRAINFORTRADE
The Section focuses on developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovative development approaches based on a recognized pedagogical method and state-of-the-art technological solutions.
The core functions of the Section are to:

TFT facilitates sustainable economic development through training and capacity development
TRAINFORTRADE was launched in 1989 to address trade-related human and institutional capacity needs of developing and transition countries. The ultimate goal is to increase countries’ participation in international trade in an equitable and sustainable manner. UNCTAD’s mandate is to work for development-led globalization, where the development paths are sustainable and inclusive. The TRAINFORTRADE programme contributes to this goal by disseminating international trade-related knowledge and developing skills and capacities. TRAINFORTRADE has proven to be very useful and instrumental in connecting UNCTAD research and analysis with sustainable capacity-building activities in developing and transition countries. TFT’s activities help to facilitate South-South and North-South collaboration and foster communication between trade and training experts.
TFT addresses the development aspects of trade
Many developing countries are lagging behind in trade capacity and international competitiveness. Several constraints affect developing countries’ capacity to utilize the opportunities of trade for economic growth, development and poverty reduction. Lack of knowledge and skills is one of these constraints. Ensuring that trade policies are development-friendly, adapted to local conditions as well as to the global economy, requires access to knowledge, information and trade-related skills and capacities. TrainForTrade is addressing these challenges by providing capacity-development frameworks that help facilitate the integration of developing and transition countries into the world economy.
UNCTAD annual report 2021

UNCTAD annual report 2020

UNCTAD annual report 2019

UNCTAD annual report 2018

UNCTAD annual report 2017

UNCTAD annual report 2016

DTL Activity report 2013

DTL Activity report 2012