Sustainability project in Peru started from a training session

The Port Endeavor game had a key role in starting a nationwide 7-year sustainability project for Peruvian ports. When Juan Garcia, a specialist at Peru’s National Port Authority (NPA), started a TrainForTrade training session on port management in Valencia in July 2022 he was not familiar with the UN Sustainability Development Goals.
”I heard about the SDGs for the first time in this particular training. My participation in the Port Endeavor game was vital, as we were able to learn about the direct applicability of each of the 17 SDGs in ports”, Mr. Garcia said.
Port endeavor game increases awareness of the SDGs and accelerates their adoption in port communities. Participants go through various sustainable activities and challenges as a port team.
”The game was something new and interesting. It was a determining factor in generating our project”, Mr. Garcia said.
After the training, the NPA reviewed SDG-related activities across the country’s 55 key port terminals. It found that the activities ”had happened in a dispersed, isolated manner, often lacking leadership, planning and coordination.”
So the NPA created the project to transition towards a greener, more resilient port system, making sustainability an organizational mandate and a permanent element in port management.
Read the whole story on UNCTAD website