Innovation Knowledge for Inclusive and Sustainable Development

Established in 2001, the UNCTAD Advisory Group on the Strengthening of Training Capacities and Human Resources Development in its 10th session focused on identifying best practices and emerging solutions that are relevant for UN agencies and can be implemented in UNCTAD especially with the view of big data and analytics.
Experts from UNCTAD and participating international organizations, universities, permanent missions and private regards to human resources development. Overall, the Advisory Group found UNCTAD’s work on the issue of address analytics in managing and evaluating training delivery timely and appropriate in answering questions that abound today on effectiveness and impact of training. The private sector and academic representatives provided a different edge to the proceedings and their inputs were critical to a balanced review of the importance of appropriate data collection and storage, and then framing the right questions in order to obtain value and complement the knowledge development efforts. (UNCTAD/DTL/KDB/2015/2)
- “Big data is the future and we definitely have to develop such solutions in our organizations in order to improve knowledge and collaboration within the UN entities” – Anonymous Participant
- “Nearly everyone doing training struggles to measure success – [it] would be ideal to combine [our] thinking and share learning specifically on this topic” – Aaron Nelson – Google