9th Meeting of the UNCTAD Advisory Group

9th Meeting of the UNCTAD Advisory Group on : “Developing skills, knowledge a nd capacities through innovation: E – Learning , M – Learning, C loud – Learning “
The ninth UNCTAD Advisory Group focused on the development of skills, knowledge and capacities through innovative tools such as e-learning, m-learning, and cloud learning. Experts from UNCTAD and participating international organizations, universities, permanent missions and private enterprises assessed and discussed technological trends in the field of E-learning for development, in particular cloud learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and M-learning.
The Advisory Group commended UNCTAD on its efforts to integrate innovative learning solutions into course development and delivery, and they recommended that this practice be reinforced. The group stressed the importance of using information and communication technology (ICT) that is adapted to the target population, considering the available technology and learner’s motivation. Further, the experts underscored that ICTs are most effective when they are used to enhance the learning experience, rather than to replace the traditional modes of learning.