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Coordination meeting French Speaking network

Port Management Programme, French speaking network, the meeting will be organised in Las Palmas, Grand Canaria, Spain for the member of the Network: Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, Mauritania, Senegal, Togo and Tunisia.

Bolivia: Disertaciones finales del curso de Gestión Moderna de Puertos

La Red de Habla Hispana del Programa de Gestión Portuaria/TrainForTrade de la UNCTAD organiza del 15 al 16 de abril de 2025, en cooperación con la Dirección General de Intereses Marítimos, Fluviales, Lacustres y Marina Mercante  del Miniserio de Defensa y el Puerto Jennefer, las mesas evaluadoras para las disertaciones finales del curso de Gestión Moderna […]

Training of Trainers English speaking Network

In the framework of the Port Management Programme for English Speaking network, the training will be organised in Dublin and Belfast from 20 to 28 May for Members: Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Maldive, Namibia, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania.

Training of Trainers French speaking network

In the framework of the Port Management Programme for the French Speaking network The training will be organised in Marseille, France from 10 to 20 June for Members: Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, Mauritania, Senegal, Togo and Tunisia.

Training of Trainers Spanish speaking network

In the framework of the Port Management Programme for the Spanish Speaking network, the workshop will be organised in Gijon, Spain from 30 June to 11 July for Members: Argentina, Bolivia, Dominican Rep., Mexico, Urugay, Panama and Peru.

Taller de formación de formadores – Red de habla hispan

Taller de formación de formadores del Curso de gestión moderna de puertos organizado por el Programa TrainForTrade de la UNCTAD en cooperación con Puertos del Estado y las Autoridades Portuarias de Gijón, Las Palmas y Valencia y con el apoyo del Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa se llevará a cabo en Gijón-España, 30 de […]


The TrainForTrade programme will organised an event in relation to UNCTAD 16.